Monday, June 24, 2013

Leaving tomorrow for England!

Getting supper excited for our month long road trip. We will be taking a ferry to England, then France, Switzerland (Alps, mt. Blanc), Spain (for the running of the bulls), then back through France, England, Scottland (where I will say goodbye to my 20's) and then back to Ireland. Ahh... There is so much planned in this trip. We have been trying to plan as much as we can but it is hard because its so far out. Plus it's kind of fun not to plan too much so that we can just take each day at a time.

Last week we kept pretty busy painting a friends house, helping out at our new church's coffee shop, having people over for dinner. Yesterday we went to our first hurling match with our friends Alan and Laurie. Hurling is HUGE in Ireland! Clare, our county, played Cork. Sadly, we lost but it was a lot of fun. It is such a funny country, everywhere you go you run into people you know. We haven't met that many people but still every time we go to town we run into neighbors, friends, etc. 

Ruby and freckles are doing great. They are BFFs now and follow each other everywhere. They are laying 2 eggs a day like clockwork! 

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