Monday, June 10, 2013

The luck of the Irish

We had the best week of weather that Ireland has had in years. It was 79-84 degrees everyday for the last week.  I don't think I've ever seen so many sunburns in all my life (and I live in la). Everywhere we went people were talking about how hot it is. People come out of the woodwork when the weather warms up. Ireland is so green and has the most beautiful wild flowers! We took a nice picnic lunch to the cliffs of Moher and we went to the beach almost everyday. We mostly went to Lehinch, which is a great little surf town. On Sunday we had a bbq with our new church friends at a beach near Killkee. They have these diving boards that you can jump off. It was a great time! Adam and his crazy pals jumped off the cliff, way above the diving boards. You're definitely not supposed to jump off them, they are about 60 feet up. Not to mention you can't tell if there are rocks below so you have to jump way off the cliff edge. Im pretty sure my heart stopped when Adam jumped. I think I was more scared than he was and he was the one jumping. All's well that ends well :)

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