Friday, July 5, 2013

Monte Carlo, Monaco and Nice, France

2 beach days in a row! I never thought I would say it but I've had a little too much sun. Yesterday we spent the day in Nice, France. We went to the very famous beach there and I didn't realize its super rocky. We got sunburns in an hour because the sun was so strong. Nice has a fabulous historic district with shops and a boardwalk. Adam bought a leather bracelet at the same leather store he bought one at almost 10 years ago. Today we went to Monte Carlo, which is in Monaco, its own tiny little country. That place has some serious money!! Yachts and nice cars everywhere. Absolutely stunning ocean and harbor views. Then we started driving again and it is sooooo hot today I thought we were going to die. It was over 100 degrees at 10:30 this morning! Cloe (our '94 rover) doesn't have A/C and we were rolling up our clothes and sticking our feet out the window. We were so delusional we started writing a song about our River Cola (knock off coke) and making up a dance move called the doggy paddle.

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