Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Scotland- Highlands, Edinburgh and Glasgow

I really thought that places like this only existed in movies and dreams. The hills and valleys are so green, with lakes and mountain all around, it is really overwhelming. Most of the drive we were completely speechless with an occasional "wow, look how beautiful that is".  What a masterpiece! The towns were great as well. Granted the weather was some of the best they have had in almost 10 years but everyone was out enjoying the town. The bagpipers are so adorable in their kilts. We did some shopping and enjoyed a few coffee houses. We had probably the best camping of our lives. It was only 10 pounds and we had this incredible place right along Louch Leven in the Highlands. If ever I need a peaceful place to build my mansion and retire, I'd say we have a winner. Our luck ran out late last night though. We were supposed to be camping by the England/Scotland border and as we were driving, the freeway signs said "heavy rain forecasted". As we generally ignored the signs and kept driving, it started poring rain so hard I thought our car was going to wash down the freeway! Cloe's windshield wipers couldn't go fast enough and we eventually had to pull into a trustee McDonalds to get dinner and look for a hotel. Soaking wet and tired we finally pulled into another 1star hotel for a luxurious bubble bath and some late night comedy tv!!!

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