Friday, September 20, 2013

4 countries in 24 hrs- an emotional roller coaster

We had 4days of saying our tearful goodbyes to Ireland and all our friends. Our generous hosts (Alan and Laurie), our neighbors (Marilyn, Mary and Joe), our friends from Northclare community church (Steve, Leslie, Brian, Eliena, Peter, Susan, Sheryl, Shamrock, Lucas, John, Rachel and so many more. The last goodbye was to my chickens Freckles and Ruby, who are going to a very loving home :)

We have been so busy packing for the last few days I haven't even had a chance to think about the fact that we are going to 4 countries in the first 24 hrs and about 23 countries over the next 3 months. That's crazy if you think about it! We were driving to our ferry in England and just South of London, on the M25, at about 3:30pm we hit this massive traffic jam.  The ferry was leaving at 6pm and you are supposed to get there an hour early. We were completely stopped until 5:15pm. We still had an hour of driving and we were so pissed to miss our ferry. We started making plans for another ferry. Wondering about camping in England if we couldn't get across. Adam was doing 80 the whole way in our poor little Cloe. We we low on gas and he asked if we should stop or just get there. Since we already missed the ferry we weren't sure but we decided to drive. When we pulled up at 6:20 we decided to go straight to the "already with a reservation" section. We got stopped for our immigration stamp, we got stopped for the car inspection. We finally pulled up to the window and I said "I'm sure we already missed our ferry. We got stuck in 2 hour traffic in London" she asked for the reservation number and I gave it. I was hoping she would say "the ferry left but since you already went through security just wait in the line for the next ferry 2 hours" or more realistically "you missed your ferry so it will cost you 60 dollars and then wait in the line for the next ferry". Instead she says " actually your ferry is delayed and they are still here" Because she said it smiling I started laughing and asked if she was kidding and when she said "no. I'll phone them to let them know you to wait for you because you are the last car to make it on". We couldn't believe it. We were so ecstatic. Adam literally shouted "praise The Lord". Haha. So happy right now!

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