Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Deutschland! Berlin-Germany

Berlin was a huge city. We really only had time to visit about half of it.  We saw the TV Tower, the Berlin Wall, the holocaust memorial, checkpoint Charlie, the topography of terrors and the east Berlin Wall museum. The city is full of WWII history. Going through the "memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe" made me cry. It's a part of history that is so hard to even imagine. I didn't really know the history of the Berlin Wall. People were shot trying to escape to West Berlin up until the wall was taken down in 1990. That's really recent if you think about it. Berlin has preserved its dark history and not sugar coated it at all. The memorials and museums are all over the city and they were all free to the public. 
In recent years Germany has re-established itself and is now becoming one of the wealthier countries in Europe. They have a lot of construction on the roads and buildings, they have free public bathrooms, free museums and free highways. Their freeways are so perfect, they make LA freeways look like Mr Toad's wild ride. There are no speed limits on the freeways. Our little Rover, Cloe, was doing 80 and every car on the road was flying by us. Even the soccer moms with a car full of kids were driving by us like we were standing still. Berlin is also legendary for their Curry- wurst. They lived up to the hype, they really are delicious! 

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