Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Best Great Barrier Reef dive trip ever!!

What a fun trip!!! Seriously one of my favorite things I've ever done! We went on a live aboard diving trip at the Great Barrier Reef with a company called Pro Dive. You live on the boat and do 11 dives in 3 days. There were around 30 people on our trip from all over the world. We loved getting to know them as well as the crew. We played all kinds of fun games like mafia and chicken goggles. Never laughed so hard in my life. The food was so good too :) Diving makes you so hungry and tired. We went to the outer barrier reef where the coral and ocean life is so incredible. We saw so many kinds of fish, eels, turtles, sting rays, sharks and we found Nemo! It was an underwater paradise. I felt like the little mermaid swimming through tunnels and into caves. The craziest thing was the 2 night dives. They turn the flood lights on in our boat and it attracts all the big fish and sharks. I was standing in the boat looking down at 5-6' sharks and I had to jump in holding only a little flashlight, it was terrifying! The scariest part is right under the boat because you can see everything so well. We did get a little lost on 1 of the night dives and 1 of the day dives but thankfully we didn't have to get rescued. Haha. The last day on our last dive we were making our way back to the boat and a Trigger Fish attacked Adam. It was the craziest thing ever to watch! It is nesting season so they are really territorial. We had been avoiding Trigger Fish the whole time but on our way back we swam right over a nest and didn't realize it. Suddenly, I see this big fish swimming right at Adam. It swims around and nails him in the head. Then it's mate, which was even bigger comes out of the nest and bites Adams calf. By this point Adam is flailing around trying to swim away. Now we laugh about it as his war wounds but at the time it was actually really scary. We thought we would be so sick of diving by the end of 11 dives but we loved it so much we can't wait to go back out again!!

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