Wednesday, November 27, 2013

40th country -Australia. Thanksgiving Day!

It's Thanksgiving today and here we are driving along the beautiful Australian coastland. We have had such an incredible drive. Our routine has been; wake up and enjoy the beach, drive for a few hours, set up in our new campground, sit and have some wine and enjoy the sunset. Australia reminds me so much of America. The first thing we see when we arrive is a Westfield mall with a Target. I couldn't pass that up :) They also have country music on the radio. Haha. We were scanning the radio for some jams while we were down at the beach and all the sudden we hear "...knee deep in the water somewhere, got the blue sky, breeze and it don't seem fair. Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair?" Very fitting! Australia also has camping at national parks for only 5$ and free camping at a lot of places along the road. It's been going great until 2 nights ago. We pull into a free campground and it starts raining. We get setup really quickly and then when we get in our tent we hear cows mooing 15 ft away. We cant see out of our tent because it has a huge rain fly. We sat there waiting for a few mins to see what the cows would do and when they didn't get any closer we realized there was a fence. We peaked out of the tent and when we saw that the coast was clear we made a run for the car. A couple of huge bulls and a herd of 20-30 cows was just on the other side of the fence. We were really scared of the cows getting over the fence somehow so we decided to drag our tent to a better location. Then we got back in the tent and tried to relax from that scary fiasco. Suddenly, we start hearing this buzzing sound. We realize that in the dark we have dragged our tent right on top of a mosquito nest. We dive out of the tent and start dragging it again. We pull the tent all the way to the other side of the campground. After we are setup there we try to fall asleep again. I have my earplugs in and I'm trying to fall asleep and after 20 mins or so I feel Adam's hand clamp down on my leg. Uh oh, that must mean more trouble. I look at him and see a terrified expression on his face. He puts his finger to his lips for me to be quite and then points to a shadow on the side of our tent. Yep, sure enough those cows got through the fence and standing just outside our little 2 man tent is a 1000 pound bull. No joke you just see this massive outline of a bull, horns and everything. He flicks his tail and it brushes our tent. I sat there in shock that this was actually happening. Part of me thought it was a bad dream. We sat there frozen for a long time hopping and praying that they would make their way back to their fence. We were mostly scared that they would spook and stampede our tent. Finally, they went a few feet away and we ran for the car. What a fiasco!!! I still can't believe that happened. I deserve some kind of an award for the things I have been through. 8 days straight of tent camping is no easy thing.

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