Thursday, November 7, 2013

Safari time :)- Tanzania, Africa

A "world tour" trip wouldn't be complete without a visit to Africa. It is such a beautiful place. There is nowhere on earth like it. We saw such incredible animals on our safari. To see lions, elephants, zebras and so many more in their natural habitat is incredible. We came across a pride of about 9 lions. We even got to see them mating about 30 feet away! So Amazing! Our guide told us what each kind of animal was and how each one is so different from the other. Even zebra's stripes are like their own unique fingerprints. We saw these little tiny deers called Dik Dik and they only have one mate for their whole lives. They live together and when one dies the other commits suicide because they are too sad to be apart. I never thought I would get to see so many animals, living together in the balance of nature. The people in Tanzania have been so nice as well. I do feel very out of place though. I stick out like a sore thumb and I often forget what a different way of life it is in Africa. There is a group called Masai that are indigenous to the region. They wear bright red and blue colors. Each male has a whole group of wives. They all live together in one small mud hut. So fascinating to learn about other cultures. Tomorrow afternoon we fly out to Thailand! Super excited :)

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