Sunday, November 24, 2013

On the road again...

 On the road again... Our time in Thailand was so nice and relaxing. It's hard to believe it's been 10 days already. We enjoyed the beautiful beaches and we put on a few pounds eating Thai food everyday. Yum yum! We are both looking pretty tan, which is strange because it is November.  We absolutely loved our neighbors! There was a French couple and a Polish couple that both live in Thailand now. I can definitely see why there are so many "blow-ins" in Thailand who visit and then decide to stay. I am so tired of the bugs though. I got a massive spider bit on my leg that wouldn't stop swelling up. I was googling like crazy to find out what it was. Thankfully, it went down by morning. 
We are also getting so burned out on trip planning. We are off to Australia but literally have no clue where we are staying or what we are doing. At the start of our trip we looked into the countries that require a visa for US citizens and the only one was Tanzania so we didn't really think about it again. We showed up at the Bangkok airport and by the time we got to the front there was less than 45 mins until the flight left and they told us we needed to have a visa to go to Australia so they couldn't let us on the flight. We really should have looked into it better but when you go to 30+ countries in 9 months things start slipping through the cracks. The stupid visa is free but you can't get it when you arrive, you have to get it on the website ahead of time. We begged the lady to just check us to Manilla, where we had a 4 hr layover and we could figure it out there. She told us no because there is no wifi in the Manilla airport so it wouldn't help us. We ran frantically all over the Bangkok airport to find wifi and of course the wifi hub was out of service. We were asking random people if we could use their computer and finally when we got Internet access we realized it was 18 pages of information! No way we would be able to fill that out for both of us in time!!! We were down to 20 mins before the flight left and I was so stressed I was shaking. We went back to the counter and told them that they had to check us to Manilla. Finally after another 10mins or so we convinced them. We still had to get through customs, security and all the way to our gate. We ran so fast! Adam was mowing old ladies down. We came running through way after final call and barely made it. That was way too close for comfort. Once we got to Manilla someone at the Customer service desk did the Australia visa process for us in like 5 mins. So thankful we made it through. The joys of traveling. That would have been a very expensive lesson to learn for budget travelers. Either way we made it. Now and we have a week of camping and driving the Sunshine coast. 

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