Saturday, November 16, 2013

10 days laying on a beach in Thailand

Ahh.. Now this is my kind of world tour :) We have 10 days on the beautiful island of Koh Chang in Thailand. The beaches are so incredible! White sand and clear warm water. The ocean life here is amazing! We went on 4 dives and's official we are scuba dive certified!!! We took a little class and then we got to dive this great ship wreck off the coast. It was so cool. Diving is an incredible thing. We got to experience a totally different world with just a tank and a mask. The best  thing about Thailand, is that everything is so cheap! Our apartment is only $200. Nope not per night but for the whole 10 days we are here! You can get a full Thai meal (curry or pad Thai) for less than $2. Our neighbors are all so nice and everyone definitely has the slow pace island mindset. We hung out and had some drinks last night with some of the neighbors. The best part of travel is definitly the people you meet along the way. We have had some trouble with the power going out in the whole town for long periods of time though. Oh and the bugs are so out of control! Mosquitos, ants, poisonous slugs, poisonous centipedes, poisonous snakes and several lizards that live in our apartment. I tried to help 1 of them to freedom and he sprang off the wall and down my shirt. Haha. I screamed so loud. Adam was doubled over with laughter. Ok so maybe island life isn't a long term choice for me

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