Wednesday, January 15, 2014

There's no place like home for the Holidays

What a great time with friends and family! We decided to fly to San Francisco for Christmas and surprise my family. It was such a great surprise! We had Christmas Eve in New Zealand and then gained 22 hrs on the flight home and landed in the US on Christmas Eve morning. It was so strange, it felt like going back in time. On the plane, as the California coast came in to view I couldn't stop tearing up. It had been almost a year since I've been in the US and now I'm finally home. We spent a week or so with my brother, his wife and their baby, my parents and my sister, her husband and their 2 boys. We had a great time up at their cabin in Tahoe forAdam's 30th birthday. We met up with some college friends in Tahoe and in San Jose. Then we spent New Year's Eve with Adam's cousin and her husband in Sacramento. After the New Year we flew to Arizona to visit Adam's family and spend a week with them. It was adam's dad's 60th surprise birthday party, his parents anniversary and his mom's birthday! All of his family flew out from the East Coast to celebrate. We had so much fun and laughed so hard that I think I have a few extra laugh lines on my face. We are so blessed to have such incredible family!!! I couldn't be more thankful. It was such a restful time that it was hard getting up at 4am this morning to hit the road for a month long "Tour De USA". There are a lot of places we haven't been yet, including our own capital D.C. We took one day last week and drove to the Grand Canyon. Wow! What an incredible place! It is so vast and beautiful. Adam almost gave me a heart attack hanging over the edge of the cliffs. What would travel be without a little adventure :)

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