Sunday, January 26, 2014

D.C and Philly

Finally got a chance to visit the US country capital, Washington DC! It was so beautiful!! Freezing but beautiful :) The White House is so pretty in the snow. We walked the Lincoln memorial, the Jefferson memorial, the American history museum (where the original star spangled banner is), the national archives museum (where we got to see the original Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) and the Capital building. There is so much American history in DC, I can't believe it's taken me this long to visit.
Then we drove up to Reading, PA, which is Adam's old stomping ground. We spent some time with his Mommom, and his aunts, uncles and cousins. We drove all the local hangout places and ate our share of: Forest Inn hotdogs, Bell Alley pretzels, Pat's Philly cheese steak, and Victor Emmanuel Italian. Haha. I gained 10 pounds in PA. Today, we drove into Philadelphia and visited the Liberty Bell, Independence hall and Washington Square. It was also freezing but packed with American History. To be in the place where the first congress met and where they debated the Declaration of Independence, is SOOO neat.

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