Monday, February 3, 2014

NYC, Boston and Maine

States count: 18
We made it all the way from California to Maine! We get some strange looks from people when they see our Cali license plates. Haha. Maine was a beautiful state. We didn't spend too much time there, just a drive through with some antique shopping and a harbor town called Kennebunkport. We were staying with Adam's brother and sister in law in Boston. We had a lot of fun there! So much American history, it was great. We did the freedom trail walk which has Paul revers' house and the church where the lantern was hung. The cemetery in Boston has so many American heroes buried there. It was so neat to see. We also did the Sam Adams brewery tour. It was seriously my favorite tour ever! There were only 7 people in our group so it was like a private tour. They explained the beer making process, the history of the company and of course...gave us yummy samples :) We also got to see Adams brother's furniture making school and all of the amazing pieces that he is working on. 
On our way up to Boston we spent a few days with Adams cousins and their precious kids in Connecticut. We took the metro into New York one day and did all the touristy stuff. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street and the bull, 911 memorial, Times Square, and Rockefeller center. So much life and excitement in the big city. We even saw the supper bowl teams getting ready for the Super Bowl.

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