Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chicago and final trip home... to San Francisco!

We spent a great few days in Chicago visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins. It was soooo cold out but it's worth it because Chicago is a really beautiful city. It's a big city but its manageable. We saw the Art Institute, Navy Pier, got a Portillos hotdog, saw the Chicago sign, the Bean at Millennium park and Wrigley's field. We threw in a Starbucks stop about every half hour because we were so cold :)
We also got some really big news while we were Chicago, Adam got a job in San Francisco!!!! He emailed someone from his old company to get coffee with him while we were in Chicago. A position had just opened up in San Francisco and it was a perfect fit for Adam. Since we weren't planning on starting work for a few weeks, they even agreed to let us finish our trip and get settled before work starts. Adam is so excited to start work again. It has been such a blessing to know that we have a wonderful job to come back to. God has blessed us so abundantly on this adventure. We didn't have one thing stolen, lost, didn't miss one plane or train, no health issues, no injuries or safety issues. We visited 40 countries, and saw 48 family members in 25 different US states. To top it off Adam starts work 11 months to the day as when we left. I am so humbled by the amazing trip we had and the incredible friends and family that opened their doors to us. It was definitely a life changing experience. God is so good, the world is so beautiful!!

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