Thursday, October 3, 2013

30th country- Budapest, Hungary

This is the 30th country that Adam and I have been to together! We had a great few days with our couchsurfing host, named Miki. We were walking distance into the city, which is always nice. We walked along the Danube river on the Buda side of the city. I didn't realize one side is Buda and the other side is Pest. On the Buda side we saw the changing of the guard at the palace. Then we crossed to the Pest side and saw the largest synagogue in Europe, and  St Stephen's basilica. We set up for a bit at a Starbucks and had a yummy Pupkin Spice latte. Then we got completely lost in the city. We got a free map from the "hop on hop off" bus tours and we followed the wrong colored line. We were trying to find the famous Szechenyi  baths/spas and we ended up on the bad side of town. People were all staring at us. That was the worst we have ever gotten lost and it was actually quite scary. We finally figured it out and got to the right part of town. We visited Heroe's square and the szcheni baths. An estimated 2

million people a year visit these huge outdoor spas.  At night our host cooked us the traditional Hungarian chicken paprika. It was SOOO delicious!

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