Wednesday, October 9, 2013

last country in Europe- Athens, Greece

I am convinced that being a couchsurfing host is one of the kindest things you can do in life.  We have met so many incredible people on this trip. When you are visiting a new place and you don't speak the language and you don't know where you are going, it means so much to be welcomed into someone's home. We are staying with such a nice couple, who have also agreed to babysit our 5000 pounds of luggage while we travel to the Greek islands for a few days. We have been basically living out of the car and we just cleared it out so that we could sell it. At sunset on our first night in Athens, we found ourselves sitting on the hood of a "British Racing green" '94 Rover, named Cloe, in the parking lot of a hospital, waiting for someone to buy it for 200 euros. Definitely, NOT my proudest moment. Lol. The next day we had a nice visit to Athens to see parliament, the gardens, the original location for the Olympic Games, the acropolis, and all the touristy sections of the city. We have been eating pitas gyros for breakfast lunch and dinner because they are so good and only cost 2 euros! Now we are on a ferry to Mykonos island, which is supposed to be so beautiful. The ferry is packed and there is not 1 person under the age of 70. Haha

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