Monday, October 7, 2013

Croatia, Montenegro, and Albania

I knew it was going to be a very strange day at 6:30am this morning. It was still dark outside as we were leaving Croatia and we were bumping the base of our Rover to "Maria, Maria". haha. We are so wierd. We left Croatia, drove through Montenegro, Albania and ended in Greece. People had warned us that Albania is dangerous and has crazy roads but nothing could have prepared me for our experience. Most streets don't have road signs, you finally figure out where to go and start picking up speed and the road just ends and becomes gravel, there are huge potholes everywhere, missing grates in the middle of the road and oh, my personal favorite, half of the roads arent paved so people just drive on whatever side of the road they want. We were driving on a 4 lane road, 2 lanes in each direction, but the other side must have been torn up because with no warning people switch to our lane driving towards us! People have fires everywhere, sheep in the road, mule drawn carriages, people selling dead rabbits under freeway passes. It was truly quite an experience! The coast was absolutely beautiful! We had a great day yesterday relaxing at the beach. A beautiful sunset over the islands off the coast. I didn't know too much about the Balkin countries before this trip but they are definitely well worth the visit!

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