Sunday, June 16, 2013

A few thoughts about blogging...

I have officially been won over by social media. I know i'm a trader to my generation but I've never really been that into blogging (or rather my life was never that interesting to blog about. Haha). So many funny and amazing things have happened on this trip that I wanted to write them down somewhere so we wouldn't forget. At first I didn't really think anyone would care to read them but now I realize that this has been a really special way to share our trip with our friends and family as well. I love getting emails and comments and well over 5000 hits on our blog. It makes me smile that people are keeping up on our travels and can share in this adventure that we are on.

Thanks also to everyone who as asked about our chicken freckles. She is doing great and.... we got her a friend!!!! Unfortunately, Freckles hates her and on her first day at our house Freckles pecked at her until she bled. It was really sad :( it's especially sad because she is such a sweet girl and doesn't fight back. We named her Ruby. This morning she laid an egg and we ate it for breakfast. You don't get much closer to nature than that.

Happy Father's Day Dad, wedge, grandpa, Seth, Erik, Derald and all those hard working fathers!

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