Saturday, June 29, 2013

Southern England and Northern France

The rest of our Southampton/portsmith trip was fabulous. The hike through NewForest was so beautiful. We walked the "tall trees trail" and saw wild horses and deer. It was so peaceful and beautiful. I think we needed to get out of the city and enjoy some nature trails. Our couchsurfing host in Portsmith was so generous and had such a sweet family. They gave up their master bedroom and slept on the couch for us. I'm really just trying to wrap my head around the generosity and kindness that we have been shown over the last few months. It is REALLY humbling!
Yesterday we took the ferry to France. It was mostly a drive day but the landscape in France is SOOO beautiful. We drove through the countryside and little villages. I would have loved to spend more time there. It's incredible how every country has so many differences in landscape and architecture. Last night we drove until dark and then pulled into a campsite. It was raining all night so I didn't sleep more than a few hours. Ugg

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