Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wales and Southampton, England

After almost 24 hours straight of traveling we finally made it. Although I guess when you think about it the whole trip is traveling. Now I know where they get the quote "life is a journey, not a destination". We arrived in Wales and checked out the capital, Cardiff. I had never heard much about the town so I didn't know what to expect but it was a really cool place. It had a very modern downtown but a lot of history as well. Then we drove to the port that the Mayflower sailed from, Southampton, England. Which by the way, its so strange to me that they don't check passports. When we took the ferry over from Ireland there was no immigration check and the since we've been driving we haven't gotten our passports stamped once. I know I'm lame but I kind of wanted to come home with a passport full of stamps. Anyways, England has been really cool as well. We are staying with some couchsurfers and we went to this pub last night to a big couchsurfing meeting. It was so cool. We met people from all over the world! Today we are driving to a big forest area to do some hiking. We are getting a little concerned about our car making it on this long trip. Yesterday we were driving only about 60 mph and all the sudden the car started making this really loud whistling noise. I looked over at Adam and just like he was reading my mind he says to me "maybe we should turn the radio up". Haha I threw my head back laughing and turned up the jams :)

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