Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Peaceful and joyful times

There is such peace and joy when you step out in boldness and follow the callings on your heart. I don't know what the future holds and I know there will inevitably be hard times but everyday more and more i know that this is the path i was meant to choose. I was so sucked into the business of life that I forgot to recognize that everyday is a gift. I was so wrapped up in my own life that i failed to see the beauty, joy, peace and hope all around me. Yesterday, we took a nice country walk. The sky was so blue  it almost hurt your eyes to look it, a new born calf  was cuddling ith his mom, every person that drove by either waived or stopped to chat with us. I can't remember a more peaceful time in my life.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Belfast and Northern Ireland

The country of Ireland is only about the size of Indiana but even still it's hard to believe we toured the entire thing in 2 weeks. Northern Ireland, which is a separate country, is actually part of the UK. It has many similarities but many differences as well. Derry was more of a war town and had a lot of history. Whereas Belfast was very modern. There were great shops and restaurants. We ate at this really cool place called Alley cat. It was dimly lit and had hot neon paintings all over the walls. The tables and chairs were all eclectic. It had a great feel and great food. We also went to the Titanic exhibit. Belfast is the port were the titanic was built and launched from. Needless to say, there was a lot of amazing history and some of the props and costumes from the movie. We also got to see Dunluce Castle and Giants Causeway, which has these huge nature made boulders. It's pretty incredible! We did so much walking my heel is bruised. I was so tired when I got up this morning, I put my shirt on inside out. The worst part is, I didn't notice until half way though the day. Haha, the glamorous life of a traveler!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Much needed rest in donegal and derry

The last 2 days have been much improved. We had a wonderful stay in donegal. The national park and Glenveagh castle were absolutely stunning. It's hard to believe there is so much beauty in one country. I have to say though, as much as i love the scenery, the absoltuely best thing about ireland is the people. They are without a doubt, the most pleasant and kindest people i have ever met. The weather here changes so fast. Adam went inside a store to buy me a red bull. When he went in it was sunny and by the time he came out, it was hailing. He was soaking wet when he got back to the car and all pissy. I laughed so hard. Tonight we are in Northern Ireland. We have a whole 3 story house to ourselves. I'm doing what I do best, sitting by the fire and reading Jane Eyre.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Galway and Clonamarra

We had a couple of very weird days. We tried to camp one night and I didn't sleep at all. The entire night the tent was shrinking down and then puffing up during the wind. Don't know why we thought it was a good plan to camp in Ireland in April. I was so tired and cold in the morning i was fighting back tears just trying to get my socks out of my suitcase. Then last night we stayed with an airb&b host. I don't even know where to start on that one. Lets just say it was without a doubt the strangest experience yet. We have seen some pretty incredible things though over the last few days. We were in Galway on friday night and it had the best feel. The night life there is incredible. The street performers were so talented! So much youth and energy. We also drove the Connemara area, which was absolutely breathtaking. Hopefully today well get a little rest and feel more rejuvenated. Boy what I would give for a night in the Beverly Hills hotel.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Cliffs of Moher

We had a very peaceful and restful time in the Burren. We saw the spectacular cliffs of Moher. They are in a bunch of movies; Princess bride, Harry potter, etc. They were absolutely stunning. It was sunny but very windy. Adam got so close to the edge a few times it was giving me bad nerves. We also took a peaceful walk through farm country. If the weather was like this everyday, I'm pretty sure everyone would live here. We really needed a few days rest. It's the simple things in life that bring the most joy, like sleeping in the same bed 2 nights in a row, or getting to wash your socks :) Being on the road can be exhausting. I have been taking a picture of every bed we stay in. Who knows how many there will be at the end of a year.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dingle and boston

We have had the most peaceful 2 days yet. The dingle penninsula and the countryside in Boston are so surreal. The weather has been much improved and the beaches have been so blue. Just walking down the road are sheep, cows, donkeys and we are in the middle of lamb and calf season. Adam is so tired of me taking pictures of every lamb we see but I can't help it they are too cute! Adam used his Irish accent for the first time in Dingle. I laughed so hard I cried! In Boston we are staying with a friend of a friend and I am so humbled by the hospitality of a complete stranger. His country house is to die for. He has a horse named Hercules and cows. I slept better last night then I have in 10 years.