Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cork, clonakilty and Killarney

The movies and pictures you see about Ireland don't do it justice. The vast, unspoiled countrysides and oceans are breathtaking. There are streams everywhere you turn, green grass fields that stretch as far as you can see and ocean waves that role on and on. We had a beautiful visit to Cork and the sun finally came out! yay. We must have bad luck with our hostels though because when we checked in, the bathroom smelled so bad like garlic that I almost threw up! The night wasn't all bad because we went to a little hole in the wall pub where everyone brought their own instruments and played traditional Irish music. It was one of our favorite places yet. The next day we went to the blarney castle and of course, kissed the Blarney Stone. Now we really will have the gift of gab. Then we went to a couple of small beach towns kinsale and clonakilty. The streets are so small that Adam got our car stuck on a curb and hit a trash can. Maybe there is a Lutz curse. Good thing we got rental insurance :) we took a drive to Laugh Hynde, which is a beautiful lake that fills with salt water during high tide from the ocean and fresh water from the mountains during low tide. A little terrier dog ran in front of our car for like 10 mins and wouldn't let us leave. We laughed so hard. Adam finally threw a cracker to him and then hit the gas pedal. We ended the day in the beautiful town of Killarney. We had a great place to sleep and a great meal!

1 comment:

  1. We are loving all the updates and pics!!! Looks like the trip is off to a great start! Love you guys!!
