Saturday, May 11, 2013

A chicken named Freckles!

I got a chicken! Thanks to those who helped to convince Adam it was a good plan :) in a thousand years I never thought that I would get to own a chicken. She is a Barred Rock and her name is Freckles (even though Adam calls her "Dinner"). I got a coop design online and she is going to free range during the day. Haha. It's great! We have gotten to know some of our neighbors. They have been so nice, showing us around town, having us over for lunch, and lending us books. I can't believe we've been in Ireland for more than a month now. Time goes so fast. I still wake up some mornings in a panic thinking that i'm late for work and then I remember where I am and I relax. We are definitely excited about our Italy trip next week. I'll have to find a chicken-sitter.
Happy Mother's Day Mom, Sue, grandma, Marie, Lyndsey, jayme, Megan, aunts, cousins and all those who are so dear to us.
We love you!!!

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