Sunday, May 5, 2013

Finally found a home

We are finally settled into our new home! (Home-base I guess I should say). It is an adorable 3 bedroom cottage with a great view. Now we can start booking our little mini trips. We booked our first and its to italy on may 20th. I'm so excited. While we are here we are going to start some new hobbies. I'm in the market for a chicken. I found out that they only cost 15 euros! I just have to convince Adam to build me a chicken coup. Adam wants to start making home brewed cider. I told him I would be happy to help with the taste testing :)  We also bought a car. It's called a Rover and she is quite a beauty (see picture below if you need help imagining the glory of a rover).  The day we got her we were so proud we drove her in to town and this dog comes straight up to us and pees all over it! Adam and I looked at each other horrified and then laughed until we cried!!!

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