Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cinque terre, Pisa and Rome

Despite the fact that my last blog was only 2 days ago we have already been to 3 more absolutely incredible cities. Cinque Terre is a beautiful beach community made up of 5 separate towns. They are each positioned out along the water about 5 miles apart. A lot of walking but definitely worth it. Then we got to see the leaning tower of Pisa. Unfortunately, it was pouring rain so we didn't get to spend too much time there but there really is nothing like it. It leans so sharp, it looks like it is going to fall over. Today my sister, Marie and her husband, Derald, arrived in Rome. It is always extra fun to experience travel with other people. The last Sunday of every month the Vatican and Sistine chapel  are free! (A backpacker's favorite word). The tour through the museum is beautiful. The art and history are so inspiring. To think of the number of hours that Michelangelo spent working in there is insane! Everywhere you walk there are priceless incredible works of art. We have really loved Rome so far. There is so much to see and do in Rome, I feel like a kid with jitters the night before Christmas  :)

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