Friday, May 17, 2013

Yay for a sunny day!

We finally got a few days of decent weather and by decent I mean it didn't start raining until like 4 in the afternoon. Every time you check the weather it tells you it's going to rain for the next 2 days but be sunny after that. Then after 2 days of rain it says the same thing. I asked an Irish lady about this problem and she just smiled, shrugged her shoulders and said that in ireland they are "perpetual optimists" haha I like that. We are really excited about our Italy trip on Monday and we are already booking our June trip. We are planning on shipping our spectacular car (whom we have named cloe) to France and doing a month strait drive around Europe. Should be amazing, should be exhausting. Freckles is adjusting nicely. Still no egg yet though :( Adam made his first batch of cider. It smells foul and bubbles all day long but who knows it could be good in the end (perpetual optimism is contageous)!

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