Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Italy! Milan and Verona

I can see why Italy was given the "eat" in " eat, pray, love" the food here is amazing! Within a few hours of getting here we had already eaten pizza, cappuccinos, gilato, pasta, bread and wine! Since italian food has always been my favorite I better not stay here too long or I will come home weighing 200 pounds. Milan and Verona have such amazing art history. Every  church and museum has priceless works of art, most of them hundreds of years old. The church where the "last supper" was painted was used as a barn/stables at one point during Milan's history. Okay, one question though...what happened to all the toilet seat covers in Italy?!? It's like the little toilet seat fairy came and stole every cover in the entire country! Makes it easy for guys but pretty challenging for women. We stayed in a hostel in Milan called flower hostel. I guess the 65% rating (when not even backpackers can stand to be there) it should have been a red flag for us but we booked it any way and the word disgusting doesn't even do it justice. We did check for bed bugs but other than that we were so tired we just crashed. Took a cold shower in the fungus tub and then we were off to Verona. Beautiful city and great weather. We put our initials on Juliet's wall and walked the whole city. Now we are heading to Venice! 

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