Friday, August 2, 2013

Home base sweet home base

I know it's not technically home but boy does it feel good to be back in Ireland! We had an incredible time on our month long adventure but we were exhausted. The ferry ride back to Ireland was a 2am-6am. We got our spot picked out on some couches and then realized we had set up right next to the little kid play area. We had 15-25 kids running around screaming the entire night. I moved to the coffee shop and didn't even attempt to sleep. By the time we were driving home it had been more than 24 hours since I slept and we were so exhausted from the trip I kept doing the infamous head bob. I've never been so tired in my whole life. We spent the next 2 days doing much needed laundry, grocery shopping, post office, phone top up, and just relaxing. Yesterday, when we went to run errands we came out and Cloe had a flat tire. I know its unusual to be thankful for a flat tire but I couldn't help but think of all of the worse times it could have gone out (on the freeway, on the 5000 mile road trip, etc). Maybe Adam feels differently because he had to fix the thing in the rain, while I sat inside and watched him with a cup of coffee. Haha. Oh and Freckles and Ruby are healthy and happy!!!

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