Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beer, chocolate and waffles- Brugge, Belgium

A country known for beer, chocolate, and waffles, what more could one ask for? We had a great time in Brugge. It is a great town that you can pretty much walk in a day or two. It is getting to be fall so everyone had their boots on and their fall decorations out. The city also has great antique stores and tons of lace doily stores,  not sure whats up with that. We saw the center square with the clock tower, the windmills, the famous churches and of course had beer at 'T Brugs Beertje. They had a huge selection of incredibly delicious beers. They have such great flavor but you have to watch them because they are like 9% alcohol. 
We camped, despite the fact that it was like 30 degrees at night. I'm really putting my 20 degree rated sleeping bag to the test. Our car is completely loaded up with 30 days of food, camping gear, our bags, etc. When we parked it in the free section, so we could walk into town, we could barley get the door closed.  Adam rolls his eyes and says "it looks like a bunch of homeless people are living out of that thing". I thought for a second and then said "I think the definition of homeless is 'someone who doesn't have a home', so... I'm thinking that's probably us." lol... thats when realization hit me... my life is so strange right now.

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