Sunday, September 29, 2013

Oktoberfest! Munich, Germany

What an experience! I can't remember ever laughing so hard and having so much fun!! Oktoberfest is a 3 week annual event in Munich. The weekends are busier and the 2nd weekend, when we were there, is the busiest. It is a big carnival that has 14 huge tents full of tables and benches. You can only get a drink if you are in a tent at a table. When the tents are full they close and dont let anymore people in, which can be as early as 10am. We were couchsurfing with the nicest couple ever, Hilmar and Manuela (and their friend Laren from France). We got in Friday night and went straight to oktoberfest at 5:30pm. The tents were already closed but since we were with locals, they knew how to get us in and they had a table in the Ochsenbratenei tent.  The band played music all night long and everyone stood on the benches singing and dancing and drinking out of 1 litter steins. Their friends were so welcoming. We said we were from America and they all said "AMERICA! Here's to America!" And we had a cheers and drank to America. Of course, they slam their beers together so hard and cheers every 5 seconds but it was still really sweet how easily we were accepted. They explained an Oktoberfest rule that if you leave your beer and you haven't drank below the Spatan symbol, then anyone can take it and drink. Haha. We had so much fun what an incredible night!!
The next day we woke up at 8:30am and started a full day of: Zumba dance class with my host, BBQ lunch, and sightseeing. Munich is a beautiful town full of Bavarian culture. We saw the surfers that surf in the river, we walked this cute little market, viktualienmarkt, and the central square. It has a clock tower and when the clock chimes at 5pm the little people spin around. In the evening we went to an Irish pub to catch the hurling final. Our county, Clare, won!!! Yay! Up the banner. 
For breakfast our hosts cooked us a traditional German breakfast of white veal sausage, pretzel and beer. We absolutely loved everything about the Bavarian culture and Munich. Oktoberfest was definitely an experience of a lifetime!!!

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