Friday, September 27, 2013

Perfect european city-Prague, Czech Republic

Today the stars were perfectly aligned for us. It was an absolutely beautiful day! Prague is exactly what I think of when I think of a European city. It has all the historic charm, beautiful rivers, cobble stone streets, and  old buildings. We visited the New Jerusalem area, the Astronomical clock tower (built in 1490), Charles Bridge, and the Czech Palace.  Compared to the last few cities we have been to, it was much smaller. It was easy to walk around and still have time to relax over a beer and lunch. 
We got off to a really good start today because the owner of the campground we are staying at is the sweetest old man ever! The campground has free wifi, showers, phone chargers,  toilet paper, and city maps. Then the owner was helping us get train tickets and showing us the places to check out. I now realize the importance of being nice to strangers. Being a foreigner is really tough! When someone helps you figure out how to buy a bus ticket or gives you directions when you are lost it really makes a world of difference!

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