Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Last week at our home base in Ireland

With a heavy heart I booked our departing ferry tickets for next Wednesday 9/18. Originally, we were planning on staying until the end of September but because of all the places we still want to see in Europe the departure date had to be pushed up a little bit. I'm pretty torn about it and have so many mixed feeling. I'm excited about the next part of our adventure and I am homesick and I can't wait to get back to the US and see our family and friends but being here in Ireland feels like home too. We've made some great friends and enjoyed this beautiful country so much for the last 6 months. We even became fans of the local hurling team (Co. Clare), they are preparing to beat Co. Cork in the All Ireland finals rematch in 3 weeks. Up the Banner!!! I guess I knew this day was approaching and I should just make the most of our last week. Which by the way, I guess making the most of this time is going to mean training to hike Kilimanjaro in November. Crazy, right??? Adam has always wanted to hike it and since we are going to be doing a safari in Tanzania, it kind of fit in the schedule. I ran a 10k 2 days ago, with out training of any kind or any water breaks. I'm seriously shocked that I made it. Then yesterday I did hill sprints for like an hour. Also, shocked that I made it. Today, I can't move my legs :) haha

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