Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vienna, Austria

This pace is really going to kill me! We walked for almost 10 hrs yesterday through Vienna. It's not that big of a city but its really spread out. We saw: Naschmarket, Schonnburn Palace, Hundertwasser haus, Hofburg palace, parliament, Pathaus, museum quarter,  Kunsthistorishes museum and Mozart's house and cemetery. Seriously, one of the creepiest cemeteries I have ever seen. It was completely empty and worn down. All the angels heads were missing and the 200 year old, crosses were broken. It looked like a Hollywood horror movie set! My absolutely favorite part of Vienna was the Opera we went to at night. It was incredible!!! We saw Nabucco by Guiseppe Verdi. It was a love story (duh, aren't they all) during the Jewish captivity by Assyria. We were able to get the standing tickets that are only 3 euros. We also scored a free night in our hotel. Every 10 days I get 1 night in a hotel. I woke up yesterday morning at 8am to the sound of hammering and drilling in the room above us. Because of our inconvenience they gave us a complimentary night in a larger room. All's I need is a good night of sleep, a shower and clean laundry and now I am all bright and shinny and new.

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