Monday, October 14, 2013

Beaches and family! Tel aviv, Israel

My mom and dad flew out to visit with us for 2 weeks in Israel. It is soooo nice to see family and to relax in nice places and eat nice meals. Couldn't pick a better place either! Tel aviv has been a great town. We are staying right near city center along the water. We rented bikes and drove all along the ocean, through the outdoor market "Carmel Shook" and through the old town "Joppa". Today we went to the Tel Aviv museum. They have an archeological dig that dates back to 800 b.c! Tel aviv has a great feel. There is a University here so it has a really young population. Every resident that turns 18 has to serve 2-3 years in the military. Everyone goes for jogs and bike rides along the water. I don't think I've seen a community with more fit young people. Adam and I were getting a little worn down since we had been on the road for a month straight. The place we are staying has a washer AND a dryer :) We have been doing 1 load of laundry after another since we got here. I got to dry my hair for the first time in a REALLY long time and for the first time in over a month I will be sleeping in the same bed for 3 nights in a row! Yay!! It's definitely going to be a good 2 weeks :)

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