Friday, October 18, 2013

Holy City- Jerusalem, Israel

In normal Olson fashion we have been going non-stop since we left Tel-Aviv 4 days ago. We have visited Caesarea Maritime, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Jordan river, Capernum, Mt. Of Beatitudes, Megiddo (armegedon), Dead Sea (its the lowest place on earth at 1200 ft below sea level. The sea has 29% salt, when a normal ocean only has 4%), Qumran caves (where the Dead Sea scrolls were found) and Masada. Gees... seeing it in writing makes it even more overwhelming. It's really incredible to see so much history and biblical significance in one place. Some of the things we saw, that they uncovered in archeological digs, date back to 3000 BC! Like the town of Megiddo, 30 different civilizations have been built 1 on top of another as new rulers come in and conquer. What I wouldn't give to be able to see the world for 1 day how it was 5000k years ago. It's amazing to be able to see all the places listed in the bible as well. Where Jesus lived and taught. Every time I read the bible I will have a whole new understanding of the places and the culture. It has been a little overwhelming though, like taking a drink of water out of a fire hose. If I have to eat Pita and Hummus 1 more time I'm going to hurl!! We had a really fun day floating down at the Dead Sea. We covered ourselves in the mineral mud and soaked in the SUPER salty water. Adam said his skin feels like a baby butt :)

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