Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keeping kosher in Jerusalem

My parents did a home exchange for our ten days in Jerusalem. The house we are staying in requested that we keep their dishes kosher. When we agreed we didn't really realize what a fiasco it was going to be. There are 2 sets of everything: plates, cups, silverware, pans, dish rags. One is for dairy and the other is for meat. I have a new appreciation for anyone who keeps kosher. It's a lot of work! We have seen so much in the city. We visited: Yad Vashem the Holocaust Museum, Knesset and Dome of the Scroll, Mt of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Absalom's tomb, Kidron Valley, the tomb where Jesus was buried and the hill where he was crucified. We took a drive down to the Red Sea and did some snorkeling. The corral and sea life were so beautiful. I wish I would have gotten an underwater camera. We also visited the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock today. I didn't realize that it is 36 acres! It was surprisingly undeveloped though. It was so incredible to be standing in a place that is significant for almost very world religion. You can definitely feel the religious tension too. Yikes! 

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