Friday, October 25, 2013

What a truly unique place

I can't believe 14 days have gone by and I leave Israel tonight. To actually stand in the place that Jesus was born and where he slept as a baby, and to walk along the road where He carried the cross and see where he was crucified and rose to life 3 days later, has been so incredible. When you are sitting in the US and you hear about places on the other side of the world from more than 2000 years ago it seems almost like a fairy tale. Now that I have seen these places, I have a new understanding of what life back then would have been like. We walked through the burnt house, Rabi's tunnel and Hezekiah's tunnel which are all places that have been discovered during archeological digs from over 2000 years ago. As archeologists continue digging they are discovering new things all the time. Most of which are 30+ feet below the ground. We are definitely on information overload right now though.  It's hard to believe that in 48 hours I will be attempting to hike Kilimanjaro, with absolutely NO training or conditioning of any kind. We meant to go for some jogs but just kind of ran out of time. I'm not going to lie I'm a little nervous about just showing up to the highest free standing mountain in the world and just having a go at climbing it.

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