Thursday, July 18, 2013

London, England- an incredible place to visit!

London is absolutely incredible! With a population of 8.3 million, it is the most populous urban region in the uk. There is so much to do in this city. You could spend months here and not see it all. We stayed with our friend Evelyn in this great flat in Islington. She was such a sweet host and we loved her place. It is a very trendy area that reminds us a lot of certain LA neighborhoods. Everyone was out enjoying the parks and restaurants. That was also because we were there for the longest heat wave in nearly a decade! It might sound like a good thing until you are stuck on buses and museums with no a/c. Yuck! One of the best things about London, all the museums are free!!! We went to the British museum, which is known for the section on mummies, the science museum, the natural history museum, which has a dinosaur exhibit, and an exhibit on humans and great interactive things for kids, the National museum, which was my favorite museum I've been to. Every room is full of  REALLY famous masterpieces by Di Vinci, Rembrant, Monet, Michelangelo, Van Gogh, and so many more. And ok, it's definitely worth donating to those museums that they keep free to the public. We also saw the usual things: Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circuis, London eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, London Bridge (quite Unimpressive), Tower Bridge (quite impressive), London Tower, and St Paul's. Then we went to Cambridge, which is a really beautiful little town. Seriously London was such an amazing city!!!

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