Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Spain- Barcelona

Barcelona, or as Adam and I have been saying "barrrrr-thelona", is the second largest city in Spain and has been a great town! We are staying with these guys at an airb&b where we are getting a chance to practice our seriously rusty espanol. Yesterday, we walked for like 10 hours and visited the Casa Guell, Mercat de la Boqueria, Gothic quarters, museu Picasso, parc De la ciutadella, Arc del Triumf, Casa Milan and Sagrada Familia. Sagrada Famila was designed by Gauidi and began construction in 1882 and it is still under construction! Today, we went to Playa De la Barceloneta (aka the beach) and Park Guell. I know it's a cultural thing but it's still so weird to me to go to topless beaches. I have a few additional thoughts on that topic but it's probably best to leave it at that. We are officially 2 weeks into our trip and haven't washed our clothes yet.  The washing machine here is broken so when we got home tonight we did a massive bathtub clothes washing. I don't think the nasty cheap clothes detergent smell is ever going to come off of my hands!

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