Thursday, July 11, 2013

Running with the bulls- Pamplona, Spain

Seriously, the most terrifying experience of my life!!! I didn't even decide that I was actually going to  run until this morning. The running starts at 8am and so we had to leave our campground really early.  The gate was locked and we almost couldn't get out, since we were running late we didn't get to eat breakfast. We show up in Pamplona and there was mass carnage (trash, bottles, the over powering smell of urine and puke) from the non-stop party that has been going on all week. We worked our way to the front of the running area. We had agreed that we were going to be way ahead of the bulls so that we had time to get into the arena and out of the way before getting anywhere near a bull. Then the police start pushing everyone out and around the back and we ended up in the middle of the pack of people. The most dangerous section is called "dead man's curve" and it was just in front of us. We figured since we were still 2/3 of the way through the run we would still be way ahead of the bulls. When the trumpets sounded at 8 people were jogging at a slow pace, then suddenly people started running faster, and faster, until people were getting trampled by each other. We had just cleared "dead mans curve" and people start screaming and this mass hysteria hits everyone. At that moment I knew the bulls were just behind us and there was no way we were going to out run them. That was the most terrifying moment of the whole day. As I tried to tuck into the side of the wall, I lost Adam. It was just people pushing people into the sides of the building as the sound like rumbling thunder comes through the alleyway between the buildings. I look behind me and 20 feet away running at almost 30mph are 10 1,200 pound bulls. I stayed at the side with my legs shaking so hard, until they cleared. Then I found Adam and we jogged into the arena. We just kept saying how scary that was and that we had no idea we were actually going to be so close to the bulls. The pictures and movies don't show how fast those bulls really are moving. As the adrenaline wore off and the lack of food hit us we were exhausted. Now we can officially say..."been there, done that, got the T-shirt"!!!

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