Monday, July 15, 2013

Paris, France- Lourve, Versailles

The rest of our Paris trip was wonderful! We were there on the French National Day, July 14, their 4th of July equivalent. The Lourve was free (our favorite word) that day! It was packed with tourists but we got there early so we had a chance to go through and see the Mona Lisa, The Wedding Feast, Aphrodite, Captive and so many other famous Master pieces. They had Napolean's apartments which are so ornate and incredible. Then we went to Versailles to check out the gardens and the canal. Every blade of grass in that place is perfectly in its place. Like if you sneeze you might throw the whole place off of its perfect axis. We had a cute little picnic lunch of fruit and baguettes in the gardens. Then at night we went to see the fireworks show with our sweet and generous couchsurfing family. Nothing compares to seeing an incredible fireworks show over the sparkling Effel Tower!!! 2 people for 3 days in Paris and we spent under 50 dollars. We sure know how to travel :)

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