Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Matterhorn and mt. Blanc- Alps

We have done 3 hikes in 3 days and I thought yesterday's hike was going to put me in my grave. We went to zermatt, which is where the Matterhorn is. It's a car free town. (Who even knew there was such a thing?) so you drive to the town below and then hike or take a train in. It was such a picturesque town. It was a little mountain town situated just below the towering Matterhorn. We should have left more time to see the town because by the time we hiked in we had to hike out. This was probably our favorite town we have seen on our trip and would definitely go back for a longer trip. Then yesterday we stayed in Chamonix, where Mt. Blanc is. We couchsurfed with some college kids. They were so great and we had a lot of fun. I don't feel like college was that many years ago but now I realize that I'm getting old. The hike we did there was so tough. There were so many switch backs and the incline was really steep. I thought my little heart was going to explode. Absolutely stunning views. I think we took close to 100 pictures in 1 day!

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